Welcome to Future is Female HQ!

A free online leadership and business program for up to 5,000 young females living in Queensland. 

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About Future is Female HQ

According to the ABS, only 34.9 percent of all business operators in Australia are women. The proportion of women starting businesses has increased by just 3 percent since 1994. 

ASE is hoping to increase this figure by launching Future is Female HQ, a free online leadership and business program to equip young females aged 12 to 17 years with the skills, resources and mindset they need to start their very own business, regardless of their postcode. 


1. E-Learning

Dive into our Future is Female HQ online course which includes more than 8 hours of mixed media educational talks, startup resources, case studies, templates and videos.

2. Community

Connect with the best and brightest female young entrepreneurs who will lift you up. You’ll get access to a private online community and monthly member only events.

3. Workshops

ASE will be delivering workshops to engage young females in Future is Female HQ. In the workshop, participants will learn about business, public speaking and financial literacy.